Today was Jackson's first day of Mother's Day Out. I used to teach at the preschool and he was down the I was down the hall in women's bible study:) It was a nice break from kids and I loved that they both missed me terribly (well ok they just missed me a little). I thought I would post all of Jackson's first day of school pictures for fun:)

Jackson's very first day of MDO with Mrs. Dot at 6 months old

Last year with Miss Jeanne and Miss Jade at 18 months old

This year with Mrs. Marlene at 2 1/2 and

with Mrs. Whitney
Olivia isn't missing out on the fun though. Mrs. Dot doesn't teach MDO anymore so she watches the other kids for bible study. We love her so much and had to get a first day picture with Livi.

I tried to get a picture of the both of them (Olivia has a matching pink backpack) but she was too busy trying to open other people's car doors.....
Now Daddy and Jackson are making bagel pizzas and Livi is rearranging the kitchen chairs all over the house..

have a good night!