We went to our friend's for a huge halloween party. She had at least 15 families over for a yummy dinner and bounce house fun before going out trick or treating! We had a great time, thanks

Here are the three fireman and the two sister dalmatians:)

we attempted at a group shot but you can see it didn't go so well....plus we are missing several kids in this.

They had a great time going house to house. Last year Jackson had no idea he was getting candy, he only wanted to ring the doorbells.......This year he would pick out a piece of candy and turn around and say, "Mommy, Open this please." .......at every single house.
And just because I am having fun looking back..... (Since my kids are 14 months apart I am really enjoying comparing them at basically the same ages:)

Monkey Jackson in 2007 with best buddy Aidan (Aidan is Jackson's banana)

Jackson and Aidan as dinosaurs in 2008

Jackson and Aidan (and Jeremiah) as Fireman in 2009
Livi and Kaylie as dalmatians