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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jackson's first black eye.

Today at Mother's Day Out Jackson pulled a pretend shopping cart over on himself and got his very first shiner. I wouldn't be a good blogger if I didn't properly document this event.

Here he is telling his GiGi all about it while eating a cheese stick and notice whats laying in the floor behind him

You can't really tell by this picture but it is pretty bruised under his eye.... Jackson is so overly cautious that he doesn't really get big injuries often. He plays rough and hard but I think he has a low tolerance for pain like his momma so he tries to avoid falling down at all costs!


Vanessa said...

Poor little man, but sad as it is this isen't going to be his last!!! Poor momma too because I know how bad it makes us feel when our kids get hurt!!

Tricia and Anthony said...

Aw, poor baby. I hope the cheese stick helped a little. Is that monkey back there?

Those Dandy Dillards said...

Ouchy! Poor baby - good job with the documentation though. Since we have boys, I have a feeling this will probably be the first of many pictures like this!

Amy said...

poor baby... Silas hasn't had a shiner ever before, but he has had a large goose egg on his forehead. Good thing you documented the first shiner...

Maria and Family said...

Oh poor baby! That isnt fun. Sometimes it hurts mommy worse :)

Troy said...

Shopping cart wins Round 1 but I have a feeling Jackson's ready for Round 2.

Kristin said...

poor little guy. we have goose eggs all the time at this house. it is rare to have completely "clean" faces around here :).