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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Potty Training Part 2

I quit.


Chasing Pure Simplicity said...

Love it!

Dawn said...

LOL. You crack me up. Oh the things I have to look forward to...

Tisha Alexander said...

That was the funniest post EVER!!! I hear you. I can tell you HORROR stories about potty training, but I didn't want to scare you yesterday! ;)

Jess & Matt said...

You made me laugh! I needed that! I understand how frustrating potty training is!

Troy said...

hahaha. I can laugh now ... just don't talk to me in a year+

Kristi J said...

That is hilarious...yes, it's awful and no fun...I quit too, so no judgement here, LOL...hey, atleast we tried :) kj

Anonymous said...

Ewww don't tell me that, I needed inspiration- we just started the potty training on Tues (partly for distraction and party because it is my motto to never have two in diapers!):) No judgment though, we went two rounds with Noah. Props for the effort!