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Monday, January 26, 2009

Please Nap.....

I am sitting in my room praying that Jackson goes to sleep..... You see, Mommy just did the ultimate No-No. I left the monkey at the church. Yep, we went to the church this morning to meet with the other teachers at my school to do some planning for next month and apparently he brought the monkey in with him and well, it is still there in the nursery..... How could I have possibly done this, you ask? I don't even know, some days I feel like that monkey is velcroed to me.

I really don't want to drive back to the church.....please nap, Jackson, plllllleaaaasseee!


Vanessa said...

Oh no I hope you don't have to drive back for the monkey!!

Tisha Alexander said...

I think most of us have done the Mommy NO NO. :) My 7 year old still sleeps with his blankets, but at least he doesn't take them out in public anymore!!

Chris and Jana said...

for us it is "little tiger". it goes with us everywhere...i know that i need to buy another one before it gets lost somewhere, i am sure she would notice the fake-out though:)

Amy said...

oh no... Silas has a blankie that is with him most always... That and his pacifier are necessary for nap time and bed time.

Tricia and Anthony said...

Oh DeeDee. Based on those precious pics of him and the monkey I see why you were really petitioning God that little Jackson take a nap. Poor thing. Have you gotten the monkey yet?